A free SDK for Sony's PS3 console
Todo List
Global _videodisplaymode::conversion
more explanations needed.
Global _videodisplaymode::refreshRates
more explanations needed.
Global _videodisplaymode::scanMode
more explanations needed.
Global _videostate::colorSpace
Global ioPadLddDataInsert (s32 handle, padData *data)
to be confirmed.
Global ioPadSetPortSetting (u32 port, u32 setting)
confirm this..
Page Quick guide to RSX programming
Finish that page.
Global rsxTextureControl (gcmContextData *context, u8 index, u32 enable, u16 minlod, u16 maxlod, u8 maxaniso)
finish args documentation.
Global videoConfigure (s32 videoOut, videoConfiguration *config, void *option, s32 blocking)
verify the parameters signification.
Global videoGetState (s32 videoOut, s32 deviceIndex, videoState *state)
verify the parameters signification.