Aero Wings 2: Air Strike

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.SYS v36311.vmi v36311.VMS This save contains all 23 planes, all extra options, all levels beaten, very cool replay, all Fighter pilot missioncomplete.
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.SYS v22200.vmi v22200.VMS This save contains a shocking 364 kills, 50 carrier landings, all 23 planes which includes F-18 agressor 1, F-15 agressor 2, and the XF3 super recipro, along with all the regulars. I will have another when I reach 500 kills, and 100 carrier lan
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.000 v22413.vmi v22413.VMS Everything unlocked plus 2 cool replays
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.SYS v60076.vmi v60076.VMS All levels beaten, extra levels unlocked, all 22 planes unloked, including F-15 agressor 2, and XF3. Plus 201 kills.
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.000 v43351.vmi v43351.VMS Water trails behind F-1 as it goessupersonic barely over the ocean, followed by an edgey landing.
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.003 v51815.vmi v51815.VMS F-14A Carrier landing under fire/shoot down 2 F-15 aggressors.
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.001 v4721.vmi v4721.VMS Perfect F-18 Carrier landingsā€¦.
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.000 v6206.vmi v6206.VMS F-14A Carrier landing/evening/aircraft armed
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.SYS v80974.vmi v80974.VMS F-14A Game save with aircraft per request
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.001 v90411.vmi v90411.VMS Carrier landing F-14
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.000 v55157.vmi v55157.VMS F-18 carrier landing
Aero Wings 2: Air Strike AEROWIN2.001 v86752.vmi v86752.VMS Fighter Pilot mission complete, plus some pretty cool replays.