Sega Bass Fishing

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING v21584.vmi v21584.VMS All lures all big fishin the diary every thing thing unlocked with thewhole game finished!1111
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING v79466.vmi v79466.VMS all lures 1missing greatest fisher
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING v33309.vmi v33309.VMS All lures in the final stage.
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING v94898.vmi v94898.VMS HelpGuruā€™s Game Save. This Game save has everything that you could possibly want. E-mail us for any other game saves for any game. we are Chad and Stan, we are the new Game Save force.
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING v45604.vmi v45604.VMS All lures, including sonic, and all areas. Only HUGE fish in practice diary, right on last tournement in 1st!
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING v72094.vmi v72094.VMS My save. Sonic lure unlocked
Sega Bass Fishing BASS_FISHING 00000073.vmi 00000073.VMS Very good save.