Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description DAVEMIRRABMX
v47784.vmi v47784.VMS Done with dave,ryan,mcmurray,slimjim,kagy,harkin,laird, and a lot with tim. I think 5 cheats unlocked and 2 videos. DAVEMIRRABMX
v62106.vmi v62106.VMS Everything unlocked. All characters. All moves mastered for all characters. Every cheat unlocked. There is pretty much nothing to do, because I have done it all. DAVEMIRRABMX
v81769.vmi v81769.VMS Everything unlocked slim jim and amish boy most of it done in proquest its all here DAVEMIRRABMX
v8604.vmi v8604.VMS EVERYTHING UNLOCKED! 100% including ALL styles, tracks, bikes, all movies (including Amish Boy), and all riders (Slim Jim and Amish Boy). Let’s go ride! DAVEMIRRABMX
v20365.vmi v20365.VMS Game finished with Mirra, Liard, and Mcmurray.All bikes and styles plus Slim Jim. One cheat unlocked. First person veiw. DAVEMIRRABMX
v65954.vmi v65954.VMS All records are complete. Very nice. DAVEMIRRABMX
v72860.vmi v72860.VMS Game completed with the following: Dave Mirra, Slim Jim and a little done with Ryan Nyquist. DAVEMIRRABMX
v12134.vmi v12134.VMS Good save with 2 secret bikes and 1 new biker. DAVEMIRRABMX
v32898.vmi v32898.VMS A good start with Dave Mirra. 3 bikes open and a lot of challengescompleted. DAVEMIRRABMX
v93616.vmi v93616.VMS Finished with Dave Mirra little done with Ryan. DAVEMIRRABMX
v58769.vmi v58769.VMS Beat all the way through with Dave Mirra only the last compitition board left to beat. DAVEMIRRABMX
v7838.vmi v7838.VMS finish with dave and ryanboth secret bike unlocked. DAVEMIRRABMX
v13769.vmi v13769.VMS here is the ultimate save all bikesall outfits and slimjim is all hereand all unlocked for you. DAVEMIRRABMX
v39009.vmi v39009.VMS a decent start with some of the bikes. DAVEMIRRABMX
v42220.vmi v42220.VMS Game is finished with Ryan DAVEMIRRABMX
v35319.vmi v35319.VMS This save is Sweet. Not fully done yet.check back 4 another 1 soon.