Disney World Magical Racing Tour

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v15203.vmi v15203.VMS Everything opened. All tracks,hidden characters, over 115% complete.
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v80503.vmi v80503.VMS The whole game is complete, extremly hard times to beat, all characters unlocked, and all tracks unlocked. The Perfect Game Save!
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v85326.vmi v85326.VMS This file is right after the fireworks thing has been completed. As long you dont progress on this file, you may veiw the fireworks as many times as you like! =)
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v35455.vmi v35455.VMS 102% is going.
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v80612.vmi v80612.VMS All three hidden characters, bonus track. Good times on time trials.
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v34869.vmi v34869.VMS Everything open, bonus track, all characters. At 139%
Disney World Magical Racing Tour WDWORLDQ_MRT v53567.vmi v53567.VMS Everything including extra characters and tracks.