Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern DRAGONRIDERS v68252.vmi v68252.VMS no final do jogo com tudo completo,so faltou o gold fire lizard egg
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern DRAGONRIDERS v10984.vmi v10984.VMS This save is a little past the half point in the game ended just after receiving the healing skill was acquired, all skills except 1, have most weapons if not all and 2 upgrades on the knife, and 3 fire lizzards
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern DRAGONRIDERS v10250.vmi v10250.VMS Um otimo save, metade do jogo, boneco bem equipado pronto pra ir pro final. Apenas termine. Vc pode fazer isso???
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern DRAGONRIDERS v18754.vmi v18754.VMS at the ista caves
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern DRAGONRIDERS v99654.vmi v99654.VMS This save is good if you would like a “dry run” to get a feel for the game (and the sometimes questionable camera placement which is greatly overshadoed by the vast world and storyline). This is a “clean” save, no cheats.