Ducati World Racing Challenge

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Ducati World Racing Challenge DUCATIDW.GAR v12887.vmi v12887.VMS Perfect ducati life mode with 750.000 bucksall licenses.in the garage; MH900e,foggy 996,888,ST4 WPand as a special surprise to all ducatifans the EXTREMELY RARE Hailwood TTENJOY…
Ducati World Racing Challenge DUCATIDW.GAR v3342.vmi v3342.VMS All the licenses, check thegarage you will find a surprise.
Ducati World Racing Challenge DUCATIDW.GAR v63358.vmi v63358.VMS This save has it ALL, all licences, 800,000 in cash all licences with 4 rare bikes in the garage including the foggy 996 and the m900e.
Ducati World Racing Challenge DUCATIDW.GAR v94629.vmi v94629.VMS Quick races beat in both difficulty levels.Foggy available in Aeorodome and 250,00 or so cash for ducati life and a 996 and 996R with all the upgrades and a MH900E (very fast) available.
Ducati World Racing Challenge DUCATIDW.GAR v86688.vmi v86688.VMS All quick races finish in bothdificulty settings with the 996Foggy availableAerodome tracksopen and with $50,414 in DucatiLife Mode.(sorry no bikes)
Ducati World Racing Challenge DUCATIDW.GAR v31160.vmi v31160.VMS All quick races unlocked and manybikes. $25.000 cash in Ducatilife mode. Good save for begin.