HERE HE IS!!! The red minotaur. He is about a 20 level character with mountain region beat. No shards. No bosses beat. Check him out. Its finaly the real thing.
This Yellow-Knight is a force to be reckoned with. He is level 60+ and all of his stats are maxed out. Don’t even think about facing Skorne without this guy. He is a total bada*s.
Blue Jester W/ Tons of gold 1695 Health all stats are at theirmax eight rune stones have beelfound all the stuff from the item shop has been purchased in very large numbers.nine keys and potions level 99 fighter
Yellow archer W/ 7 rune stones 9keys and potions all the stats aremaxed all items in very large numbers 1596 health he has a butterfly pheonix that lasts forever level 99 fighter
Here’s my character in Gauntlet Legends - A Red Warrior who is totally maxed out. Beaten the game totally, and have unlocked Red Minotaur as well. Try this guy out!
Blue Wizard with all stats maxed out, Level 71, Has beaten game, all rune stones and oblisques have been found, also has the upgraded staff and flying dragon!