Hidden and Dangerous

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v20234.vmi v20234.VMS maldicao este save esta completo.traduction:damn this save is complete
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v24654.vmi v24654.VMS All levels with many weapons.
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v45698.vmi v45698.VMS This is a great game file! Everything Complete
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v30423.vmi v30423.VMS All Missions compleated with only one death
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v54565.vmi v54565.VMS Game completed all missions avalible.
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v69438.vmi v69438.VMS 4th campaign 2nd mission
Hidden and Dangerous _HIDDEN__000 v90259.vmi v90259.VMS Up to the second part of the second mission w/no deaths.