House of the Dead 2

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v88935.vmi v88935.VMS salvada perfecta!!!!!
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v85932.vmi v85932.VMS This file has 99 of everything in the trunk in original mode, red star markings on all training mode and boss mode missions, freeplay mode, red blood.
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v3080.vmi v3080.VMS All unlocked. In original game is all (Amy,Harry custumise,ufo?).PERFECT SAVE!
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v77697.vmi v77697.VMS Training mode completed.
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v47227.vmi v47227.VMS Everything is beaten and unlocked!
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v20930.vmi v20930.VMS Red blood, all training with 5 stars and infinite credits.
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v71932.vmi v71932.VMS It has granny mode and the training mode is complete with 5 stars.
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v96856.vmi v96856.VMS Trunk full of goodies, all stars on practice and boss mode, infinite credits, red blood, alternate costumes, machine gun!
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v67414.vmi v67414.VMS Perfect Save !
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v72963.vmi v72963.VMS Just look in original mode”I’m that good”-HHH
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS v24750.vmi v24750.VMS SUPER TOP SECRET PLUS
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC_U.SYS 00000095.vmi 00000095.VMS Red Blood, all items, blah blah, EVERYTHING
House of the Dead 2 HOD2DC__.SYS house2.VMI house2.VMS infinite Bullets!