The King Of Fighters 99 Evolution VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description KOF_EVOL.SYS
v21370.vmi v21370.VMS This is for the american version of The King of Fighters Evolution. Save with all strikers justice and dark in level 3. Including Gai and Syo. One record with K’ on the survival endless to beat (94 victories). Beat my record and send me an emai KOF_EVOL.SYS
v60865.vmi v60865.VMS US version of King of Fighters Evolution. All extra strikers unlocked and atlevel 3, Including Syo & Gai. KOF99EVO.SYS
v64262.vmi v64262.VMS KOF ‘99 Evolutiom (JP)All striker JUSTCE and DARK,+6605PTS Point and a socer rankup 650 KOF99EVO.SYS
v37628.vmi v37628.VMS This is for KOF99 Evolution, All Strikers with Justice & Dark Mode KOF99EVO.SYS
KOF_1999.VMI KOF_1999.VMS Perfect Save! All Striker Lv3! KOF_EVOL.SYS
v95799.vmi v95799.VMS Quase todos os strikers KOF99EVO.SYS
v65162.vmi v65162.VMS All Strikers are in Level 3(MAX) with Daimon,Billy,Yamazaki,Kyo SP,Chizuru,Athena SP,Alfred,Fio,Gai and Syo! KOF99EVO.SYS
v70036.vmi v70036.VMS A score up to 800 and all strikers in justice and dark versions(also with gai and syo)!!! KOF_EVOL.SYS
v62523.vmi v62523.VMS You’ll have verything you can get in this game (all straikers, characters, and full straikers levels). KOF99EVO.SYS
v75278.vmi v75278.VMS [Japanese] ALL SECRETS OPEN & SECRETS ENDING