Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description SLREAVER.001
v13239.vmi v13239.VMS u will have all abilities,all glyphs u can even shift without having to stand on the shift portal,u also have the fire reaver. u only have to beat kain.oh! if u want a cheat:A,B,right,Y,left,left,right,up while holding R on the pause screen. SLREAVER.001
v91996.vmi v91996.VMS game beaten. all spells and abiities collected. including the fire reaver. just beat kain. SLREAVER.001
v13811.vmi v13811.VMS this is an ultimate file for the Russian ver.you have all spells.just kill Kain! SLREAVER.001
v3848.vmi v3848.VMS has all abilties exept fire reaver.I decorated the place a bitmost spears are at 3rd warpgatearea. has health coil maxed out and magic maxed out SLREAVER.001
v4784.vmi v4784.VMS The best save of your life, 200% done look and tell me you are the MASTER. SLREAVER.001
v25761.vmi v25761.VMS It has everything, explore theentire wold been a suprime being.Have fun SLREAVER.001
v73699.vmi v73699.VMS This game data have all AND in the final boos SLREAVER.001
00000628.vmi 00000628.VMS A perfect save(all glyphs,warp gates and has the fire reaver). It’s also saved right before you fight Kain.