Sega Sports NBA 2K1

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v63207.vmi v63207.VMS this team can really kick somebehind this team is SONIC X check it out!!!!!!!!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v96066.vmi v96066.VMS Current Roster of Rockets;including big kev,info collected from
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v64933.vmi v64933.VMS this is file of the boys in myclick.all of us are 90% and upwe are on our on team.oh yhea we all long hair. dont hate
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v31011.vmi v31011.VMS These are the latest rosters as of October 27, 2001 at 2:30 a.m. All trades included, but no rookies created (hey, you can make them based off of 2K2’s stats). MJ included, though you have to get him off of Wizards IR. Enjoy….
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v68789.vmi v68789.VMS man this save has my fav 3 rappers Nelly,LUDACRIS AND DRAG-ON CANT NO ONE BEAT THEM IN NOTHING I DONT CARE 3 ON 3 OR EX NO ONE UT IT ON ALL STAR THOU
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v17896.vmi v17896.VMS 2001-2002 rosterTHE MOST UP-TO-DATEsave you will ever findIVERSON WITH THE SLEEVEJORDAN WITH WIZARDSMASON WITH THE BUCKS and more…the only thing missing is the new uniformslet me know how you like it.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v36498.vmi v36498.VMS This file has everything up to date that’s possible. Not only does it have jordan on the wizardsbut it has rookies too. Be smart and download this game file for 2k1, you’ll thank me later!Everything up to date to 1/13/2002!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v73911.vmi v73911.VMS jordan and rodman
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v17095.vmi v17095.VMS a great franchise with the suns.i have won the championshipevery time.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v56422.vmi v56422.VMS Yo Solo Quiero Decirle A Todas Las Gente Qu le intereze esta Pagina Pra Vajar Los Seves Que este es el mas moderno de todos tienes la mallorias de jugadores de NBA2k2y pal de jugadores creado por mi son muy buenos siempre y cuando lo sepan usar
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v52501.vmi v52501.VMS I got MJ codes too so you guys know what to do.To feel the full affect of my leagueplay on-AllStar/Fast/IconsOff/8-12 min qrtrs!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v89543.vmi v89543.VMS This is a Clippers Franchise season.The starting five is Kevin Garnett, Jaamal Magloire, TraceyMcgrady, Michael Finley, and Jason TerryI improved eveyones rating just go to scout and look at the Clippers.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v59057.vmi v59057.VMS Okay guys the first one was just a warmup,this is the real deal right here! More players added,1 day left in the regular season and the playoffs are rightaround corner.Like I said before DO NOT TOUCH MJ’s attributes cause if you do
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v97649.vmi v97649.VMS All updated rosters as of 08/17/01. Some rookies included whom I got from downloading other peoples files. “GO LAKERS”!!!!!!!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v54300.vmi v54300.VMS Theres just one day left in the regular season and the playoffs are around the corner.By the way dont touch MJ’s attributes, if so you will lose the code!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v27021.vmi v27021.VMS Top 12 rookies, all trdaesand signings as of august 10th and a created team called the DC suns with just the free agent players.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v24311.vmi v24311.VMS As up to date as it gets. Lottery picks up to Rodney White, minus Gasol and Diop. All trades and signings. 2 or 3 teams with incomplete rosters though.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v56112.vmi v56112.VMS Updated rosters with All the Big trades. Top rookies created as close as possible to their stats and the abilities, including KWAME BROWN, TYSON CHANDLER, EDDY CURRY, EDDIE GRIFFIN, JAMAAL TINSLEY FROM THE RUCKERS IN NYC, RICHARD JEFFERSON, AN
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 roster.upd v23656.vmi v23656.VMS This is the best update rosters u willever find NBA2k2 type roster. Freeagent classincluding C-Webb,A.Davis and more. Some ofthe new rookies include S.Battier, K.Brown, EddieCurry, Tyson Chandler, all the Bulls draftees.Also update trades inclu
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v2416.vmi v2416.VMS Aqui estan los mas recientes cambios de la NBA entre estos estan el cambio de Jason Kidd,Jason Williams,Elton Brand,C Robinson entre otros.And two awesome teams with the best players in the NBA actualy {68Blocks}.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v38254.vmi v38254.VMS Entering 2080-81 season.Everyone in starting lineup is 90+.Over 4000 wins in total and 8 championships with the CLIPPERS.Try and beat some of my records.E-mail me and tell me what you think.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v7083.vmi v7083.VMS The REAL tribute to the 96-97 BULLS FRANCHISE…Also the ALL ROOKIES AND 90s ALL STARS!!!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v4812.vmi v4812.VMS Download this and start a new season. Revive the glory from the past! Jordan’s Bulls X O’neal’s magic! Larry legend’s celtics and much more.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v37222.vmi v37222.VMS A cool franchise with the warriors players: v.cummings pg 88, larry hughs sg 99, latrell sprewell sf 93, chris mills pf 80 and a rookie center 81.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v16381.vmi v16381.VMS This is a save of a good season with the lakers its 8-0 so far and my custom team is on it too check it out im Hunter #69.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v25712.vmi v25712.VMS This is the team of da dirty south.Its the Houston Rockets baby! It has me and my boy Derrick on the team we are unstoppable. Check it out if you from dat dirty dirty.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v80807.vmi v80807.VMS A great season with the Bulls and itincludes an exact look a like of Michael Jordan,Wilt chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Scottie Pippen, Magic Johnson.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v81780.vmi v81780.VMS This 63 block file simply adds ex NBA stars Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman. They are both found in the Free Agents section so you can put them on any team.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v90060.vmi v90060.VMS Many new free-agents, realistic Jordanwith an all-rookie and all superstarteam. Up to date rosters.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v77819.vmi v77819.VMS WWF Smackdown! team. Players include Rock, Stone Cold, Road Dogg, etc. 100% overall rating.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v39819.vmi v39819.VMS Heres a created player that kind of lookslike my brother who is an Allen Iverson wan’nabe but his over all rating is 100.He specializesin dunking, and ball handling skillz.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v6561.vmi v6561.VMS The 2000-2001 U of A Wildcats and ateam with my friends are in this save.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v56144.vmi v56144.VMS Loyal Bull’s fans, 52 game pro-level season. Now,10-0. Regular roster, Michael Jordan added. Help yourself to a 52-0 season. team unstoppaBULL!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v1018.vmi v1018.VMS This a save of the D.C. Urban Coalition Allstars that beat the And 1 Allstars. Featuring the U.S.B.L. MVP Curt Smith; former Georgetown Hoya’s Charles Smith and Lonnie Harrell; former U.N.L.V. National Champion David Butler and deep threat shoo
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v9091.vmi v9091.VMS Week 8 of an awesome lakers franchise
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v99608.vmi v99608.VMS 90s east and west teams
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v2833.vmi v2833.VMS With this save you get my created team calledVictim Blue’s. This team consist of real homeboyz from the bronx.Each of the players are actual replicas of my friends who play hoops instreet corners. Take these boys from the bronx and try and give
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v70051.vmi v70051.VMS And now…the starting line-up, for your 1997-98’…6-TIME…WORLD CHAMPION…… Chicago Bulls! ENJOY! (MY tribute to the BEST player, in NBA history!)
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v49862.vmi v49862.VMS This is our team from our hood. This is most of our people around our hood so download us and try to beat us. We even have Michael Jordan.e-mail me if you like this save or not.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v41202.vmi v41202.VMS All created players for the Lakers, and they are tight. Added jordan, he can’t be stopped.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v46996.vmi v46996.VMS New Rosters: Michael Jordan and more. Obtained the 94’ - 97’ Chicago Bulls squad with R. Harper, T. Kukoc, M. Jordan, Pippen, J. Caffey. S. Kerr, L. Longley. Enjoy Chicago fans.
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v22120.vmi v22120.VMS 00-01 All-NBA Rookie team, and All 90’s team included in the created teams. All 90’s team includes Michael Jordan!
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v43590.vmi v43590.VMS I created a team with all created players made after people in my class. The team is called Students and has the sonic logo. They have a 100 rating (overall).
Sega Sports NBA 2K1 VCSEGANBA2K1 v99695.vmi v99695.VMS all characters plus basketball mini game