
VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v89056.vmi v89056.VMS All weapons and charactersunlocked !!
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v95711.vmi v95711.VMS Tudo completo, so falta jogar!
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v7936.vmi v7936.VMS im piccolo_09 the online gamer fromdaytona,outtrigger,speed devils,and alien front onlinewanna challenge email mesave file has everything unlocked
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v47583.vmi v47583.VMS This Save File Has One SecertCharacter Open.Novice Mission ModeIs Complete
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v56049.vmi v56049.VMS este es el qrchivo de lee soloque superado en algunas cosas
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v56939.vmi v56939.VMS Secret characters, weapons, and levels unlocked.
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v73218.vmi v73218.VMS All weapons, characters unlocked.
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v32544.vmi v32544.VMS I guess that its a good save. Its a start on the gamewith the novice missions complete, I also have 2 secretcharacters, one or two extra stages. And some damn goodhigh scores.
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS v4846.vmi v4846.VMS All missions complete, all characters unlocked, and all weapons available.
Outtrigger OUTTRIGR.SYS OUT_EURO.VMI OUT_EURO.VMS Cool save for Outtrigger!