Power Stone VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description POWSTONE_DAT
v27222.vmi v27222.VMS Unlocked everything. All character and weapons, unlocked gallery and music hall. POWSTONE_DAT
v39744.vmi v39744.VMS Ok ok listen up this save has everything besides artwork and music hall. POWSTONE_DAT
v74193.vmi v74193.VMS Decent save. Not exactly the best you can get, but I’ve got most of the secrets and hidden characters unlocked! POWSTONE_DAT
v83943.vmi v83943.VMS This is the best it gets!!!I have everything, and I mean everything unlocked…even the art museum and the soundthingy opened. This tookalot of work so please write back ASAP!!! POWSTONE_DAT
v62607.vmi v62607.VMS Everything including art gallery and music hall! POWSTONE_DAT
v79451.vmi v79451.VMS Every secret and every character with everything else. POWSTONE_DAT
v72823.vmi v72823.VMS Perfect Save Press L to taunt Energy re-fill between battles: off POWSTONE_DAT
00000033.vmi 00000033.VMS Everything complete,all pages opened. POWSTONE_DAT
PSTONE1.VMI PSTONE1.VMS Perfect Save! All secret open!