Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v99959.vmi v99959.VMS Aqui tem sites pra voceis queimarem os dedos de tanto viaja e tbm tem o meu SOLRAC2de dowload agora
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v23844.vmi v23844.VMS ESTOU GUARDANDO MEUS SITES.GERECO O MAIOR.
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v11808.vmi v11808.VMS lo mejor en direcciones no te lo puedes perder cargala aque si podras chatear
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v56037.vmi v56037.VMS Here is a bookmarks file for use with curtis’ 4 uplaods. If you already have a bookmarks file: Choose “merge”
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v94292.vmi v94292.VMS varios sites pra racha o cu de tanto acessa
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v36552.vmi v36552.VMS la mas detallada buskeda de informacion en tu vmu
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v86027.vmi v86027.VMS links para uso vai facilitarsua navegacao.
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PW_BOOKMARKS v74890.vmi v74890.VMS these r mine favorite sites
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 DREAMCE1.CAL v44548.vmi v44548.VMS This is a Javascript based Calculator/Note Pad foe taking quick notes,and making quick calculations. It loads from the dreamcast vmu with the following command typed in the planetweb urlbar(please remove http://)x-avefront://—.dream/vms/load/
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PASSPORT.M94 v64355.vmi v64355.VMS Custom Google Search Engine Loaded From The Vmuto load remove http:// from the planetweb urlbar,then type x-avefront://—.dream/vms/load/PASSPORT.M94 after the page is loaded to the screen,open the bookmarks and save the resulting page for fut
Planetweb Dreamcast Browser 3.0 PASSPORT.M02 v12730.vmi v12730.VMS VMS FTP: Use When is down for repairs,etc.To use this file:type x-avefront://—.dream/vms/load/PASSPORT.M02 in your planetweb urlbar(be sure to remove the http://) once the file loads to the screen save that page in the boo