Ready 2 Rumble Boxing

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v11554.vmi v11554.VMS Just about done. You will have all boxers at your level to beat the game with. It’s like kiddie mode, just block and hit. You have 4 boxers to complete till you have a complete roster.
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v6786.vmi v6786.VMS Just one more fight to beat the game. Win with B.KNOKIMOV with strength, dexterity and experience 100% in champ mode. “I DEFEAT ALL MAN”
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v83017.vmi v83017.VMS All boxers unlocked in champ mode strength, dexterity, experience all 100% on all boxers plus 2 million dollars and just 7 boxers left to be champ. THIS IS A GOT TO HAVE SAVE. HAVE FUN!
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v83094.vmi v83094.VMS All boxers at champ mode.
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v75673.vmi v75673.VMS All characters unlocked plus over 2 million dollars in prize money in championship mode and a few more fights to go. Enjoy
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v56261.vmi v56261.VMS All characters unlocked plus over 2 million dollars in championship mode forget “who wants to be a millionare”
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 v92796.vmi v92796.VMS 10 fights away from beating the entire game.
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.SYS 00000013.vmi 00000013.VMS All characters at champ mode. All characters unlocked.
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing R2RUMBLE.001 R2RUMBLE.VMI R2RUMBLE.VMS All unlocked. (Euro)