Ready to Rumble Boxing 2 VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description RUMBLER2.SYS
v48151.vmi v48151.VMS este archivo solo lefaltan completar el modo trainig RUMBLER2.SYS
v15321.vmi v15321.VMS all boxers except rumbleman.todos os lutadores menos rumbleman. RUMBLER2.SYS
v45507.vmi v45507.VMS All charecters, costumes, and holiday costumes unlocked. RUMBLER2.SYS
v36902.vmi v36902.VMS Everything, I mean EVERYTHING unlocked. All boxers, all champ costumes, all holiday costumes and an extra game mode (TRAINING). The Ultimate Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 save brought to you by the swooshman, Phillip Dybedal. RUMBLER2.SYS
v84884.vmi v84884.VMS All characters and all modes done. RUMBLER2.SYS
v46966.vmi v46966.VMS For the ones need help get this I got it all. RUMBLER2.SYS
v53473.vmi v53473.VMS Everything you could possibly want is here. M. Jackson, Shaq, Mr. Prez, Hillary, Rumbleman, all champ outfits, etc. RUMBLER2.SYS
v48119.vmi v48119.VMS Michael Jackson is in arcade modeand a couple more and Butcher Brownin champion mode. RUMBLER2.SYS
v44660.vmi v44660.VMS All boxers open including famous celebrities. RUMBLER2.SYS
v53377.vmi v53377.VMS All characters unlocked. RUMBLER2.SYS
v69962.vmi v69962.VMS All of the characters except Michael Buffer are available for you to use. RUMBLER2.SYS
v96700.vmi v96700.VMS All fighters except Rumbleman. RUMBLER2.SYS
v57428.vmi v57428.VMS Everything unlocked. RUMBLER2.SYS
v37697.vmi v37697.VMS Everything unlocked, all characters, Championship mode complete, all champs, and all outfits. RUMBLER2.SYS
v31346.vmi v31346.VMS All characters unlocked RUMBLER2.SYS
v23399.vmi v23399.VMS All characters available!!! RUMBLER2.SYS
v25185.vmi v25185.VMS All boxers unlocked but rumbleman RUMBLER2.SYS
v49241.vmi v49241.VMS This will give you Micheal Jackson, Shaq, Hilllary an Bill Clinton RUMBLER2.SYS
v77093.vmi v77093.VMS Most boxers champed, all new boxers but rumble man RUMBLER2.SYS
v58582.vmi v58582.VMS Everything beat the credit goesout to my cousin Danny his girlSabrina and Me you all know tok! RUMBLER2.SYS
v41161.vmi v41161.VMS Hacked save for Ready 2 Rumble Round 2. Everything unlocked!!!!Have fun with it!!! :o) RUMBLER2.SYS
v65923.vmi v65923.VMS This is for Ready 2 Rumble Round 2.Six left to beat. Another great save from the great one! RUMBLER2.SYS
v70918.vmi v70918.VMS This save is actually for Ready to Rumble Round2.Michael, Shaq, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton unlocked. RUMBLER2.SYS
v38890.vmi v38890.VMS This save is for READY 2 RUMBLE 2 ONLY. It has 4 hidden characters unlocked. Two of them are Freak E. Deke and Michael Jackson.