Shenmue II

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 v44127.vmi v44127.VMS finished file almost all battles ,2gambling games&outrun afterburner2 ,watchable video of saturn shenmue!
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 v63309.vmi v63309.VMS in end you only must put the fenix mirror in tower to see the endcoolno final voce so precisa colocar o espelhoe fenix na torrepra ver o finallegal
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 v27133.vmi v27133.VMS disc1 almost finished
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 v71447.vmi v71447.VMS Disc 2 Starting file (euro-version)
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 v90755.vmi v90755.VMS Ryo in Guilin (DISC4) near the end of game
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS v55976.vmi v55976.VMS primeiro disk completado com os mapas e dinheiro save enviado por dreammoz santo andre
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 v27090.vmi v27090.VMS Disk 3 - Kowloon - plenty of money
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 v85405.vmi v85405.VMS in dragon street with most of the new moves ready to go to yellow head building.This is the PAL english version from UK.
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS v56642.vmi v56642.VMS jap version.4 days after arrival
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS v45532.vmi v45532.VMS cd 3-Ryo ta num lugar la,ele ta procurando o lan di ainda.Eu soube q shenmue2 americano nao vai mais sai e to esperando o europeu a porra da sega americana eh uma merda fica com frescura agora shenmue2 americano so vai sai pa x-box…e nois pob
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 v28239.vmi v28239.VMS my update is here- This is disc 4 just follow shenhua in the path shegoes and you have to find other waysas will but this should only take an 1-2 hours maybe a little more
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 v10347.vmi v10347.VMS the starting of the 2nd disc…enjoy!
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 v43574.vmi v43574.VMS disc 2 completed
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 v91835.vmi v91835.VMS (Euro Version)A finished game file.This has all of the Arcade games and all but one fight available in the 4th disk mode. I collected many neat collectibles and the Saturn Version of Shenmue movie is available. This save is great if you want to
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 v37819.vmi v37819.VMS [euro ver.] 1/4 way of 3rd cd[still in kowloon] with quite an amount of cash.
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 v15126.vmi v15126.VMS //start on disc2//
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 v56186.vmi v56186.VMS in the middle of disc 2.anybody out there playing shenmue2?ITS A GREAT GAME!!! BUY&PLAY IT NOW!!for europe version only.
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 v76448.vmi v76448.VMS the beginning of disc 3
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS v45346.vmi v45346.VMS Todos os meios de se ir loge neste jogo ja descoberto nesta versao japonesa por um Brasileiro.
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS shen2sys.VMI shen2sys.VMS system data! all collections! include Saturn Shenmue
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 SM2JPMAX.VMI SM2JPMAX.VMS 1st save from game start! money & skill max
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 shen2las.VMI shen2las.VMS Last save, you’ll clear the game within 5 minutes
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 shenbad.VMI shenbad.VMS Shenmue2 Bad Ending
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS 00000036.vmi 00000036.VMS system data! Saturn Shenmue Unlocked
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 00000037.vmi 00000037.VMS Disc 2 Start Save
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_002 00000038.vmi 00000038.VMS Disc 3 Start Save
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 00000039.vmi 00000039.VMS Disc 4 Start Save
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_SYS SHENM2S.VMI SHENM2S.VMS Most collection unlocked. System save.
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 SHENM2G.VMI SHENM2G.VMS Most collection unlocked. Game save.
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_001 v28795.vmi v28795.VMS in this save Ryo mastered all moves and completed notes.and you can sparring with elieen and izumi at pine arcade game
Shenmue II SHENMUE2_003 SHEN2PAL.VMI SHEN2PAL.VMS All collection data available (PAL save)