Silent Scope VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description SSCOPE01.DAT
v50844.vmi v50844.VMS jogue socegado este otimo jogo com continues infinito e nunca carregue sua arma dica enviada por um brasileiro de santo andre sp SILENT01.DAT
v19765.vmi v19765.VMS Outdoor training beat SSCOPE01.DAT
v36531.vmi v36531.VMS Completed all Out Door Training stages and Challenge 100 stages. Plus all extra options. SSCOPE01.DAT
v24722.vmi v24722.VMS [Japanese] Everything unlocked! SSCOPE01.DAT
v29919.vmi v29919.VMS real time aiming,+ continues,and many extra options SSCOPE01.DAT
v65232.vmi v65232.VMS [Japanese] Real time aiming and continues,and many extra options. SSCOPE01.DAT
v17758.vmi v17758.VMS [Japanese] Real time aiming + continues,and many extra options. SILENT01.DAT
v91000.vmi v91000.VMS [USA] Game solved on difficultlty level 4Real time aiming unlockedThe realtime aime makes the game so much better to playSee if you can beat my scores. Have fun SILENT01.DAT
v47063.vmi v47063.VMS 3 outdoor training stages unlocked. SSCOPE01.DAT
sscopejp.VMI sscopejp.VMS time 999, continue 999