Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SONI.001 v28454.vmi v28454.VMS ultima fase como super sonic
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SONI.001 v67976.vmi v67976.VMS Smash pack vol2 vmu save sonic3 with sonic in good condition but none emerald
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SONI.001 v26270.vmi v26270.VMS Smash pack vol2 vmu save sonic3 with sonic in good condition but none emerald
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_PHAN.001 v55779.vmi v55779.VMS For PS2 at motherbrain beat herto see the best game ending of all time
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SHIN.001 v99998.vmi v99998.VMS shining force:some extra characters and 15% of the game passed.
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SHIN.001 v13752.vmi v13752.VMS batalla final de shining force
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SHIN.001 v90599.vmi v90599.VMS solo derrotar a darksol y te pasas el mayoria dejugadores en L-14 despuesdepromote
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_PHAN.001 v44430.vmi v44430.VMS Save file for PS2. All characters earned,main character, Rudo, Amy, & Kain are at the last dungeon in the 30s.
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SHIN.001 v48807.vmi v48807.VMS This save file is for Shining Force.Just left prompt for the towerto find Darksol.(main character is a lvl 1 Hero)
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_PHAN.001 v73774.vmi v73774.VMS It’s when your are searching for the garbage town after giving the recorder to the govenor. There is a total of 5 characters..
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_PHAN.001 MDEMU001.VMI MDEMU001.VMS Phantasy Star 2 Best Save.
Sega Smash Pack Vol. 1 SP1_SHIN.001 MDEMU002.VMI MDEMU002.VMS Shining Force Last Save.