Soldier of Fortune VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description SFORTUNE.001
v73246.vmi v73246.VMS save bookstore2 SFORTUNE.000
v71043.vmi v71043.VMS THE ENDCOMPLETE 100% SFORTUNE.000
v83904.vmi v83904.VMS on the first CD end its a good save ><><>< no final do primeiro CD e’ um bom save SFORTUNE.000
v87032.vmi v87032.VMS You start off in the steer right behind the shop right after finishing iraq and Hawk is killed. Something is wrong with my game and I can see Sam so I could’nt get past hereif you download this and get please upload it and e-mail me.Pretty good SFORTUNE.000
v70360.vmi v70360.VMS end game SFORTUNE.000
v98601.vmi v98601.VMS germany 3-3 SFORTUNE.000
v88901.vmi v88901.VMS want to see the end? SFORTUNE.000
v82590.vmi v82590.VMS jogo tudo aberto fazes armas SFORTUNE.000
v4171.vmi v4171.VMS esto te lleva a Sudan 1-3…Buena Suerte ;P SFORTUNE.000
v23806.vmi v23806.VMS last boss in level hard. SFORTUNE.002
v52854.vmi v52854.VMS jogo terminado com todos os’secrets’ abertos!!! SFORTUNE.000
v87746.vmi v87746.VMS mision en ciberia buen estado SFORTUNE.000
v18388.vmi v18388.VMS This is the complete game up to germany, end boss pretty Near or in the end boss, i’m not suremost of the game passed with the “Pig Sticker”, all Ammo. CDX_CODES_00
v64385.vmi v64385.VMS This is a gameshark file. It gives you unlimited armor,bullets, and best of all there is no reload. SFORTUNE.000
v32174.vmi v32174.VMS I got to the Tokyo level, and cannot get any further, let me know if you anyone gets past it or has trouble downloading. SFORTUNE.DAT
v50094.vmi v50094.VMS This is the best save you’ll get for this game on last boss with very great weapons. SFORTUNE.000
v53207.vmi v53207.VMS last mission easy level