Speed Devils

VMU Saves

Icon Filename VMI VMS Description
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT v1227.vmi v1227.VMS Lots of money, have Driver X carplus 3 more to chose from, Firebug,Solaro, and Twister in Class S.
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT v86819.vmi v86819.VMS Over 1.5 million and I have the Mystery Car…won from driver x, now in tha S class. Still have the first car you start with in tha game. Have 4 cars with Radar Jammer, nitro (18 shots), armor, and all tires.
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT v20949.vmi v20949.VMS Class S, Millions of$$, LA 2000 fully loaded, driver x dead!
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.SYS v95612.vmi v95612.VMS Ultimate save all cars and tracks unlocked.Mystere unlocked in chamionship mode
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT v9901.vmi v9901.VMS data file…radar jammer,armor,nitro availiabletwo out of three cars that I have are equipped with nitroin class A not finished with class yetdo not have the banner for class c mexico track.if you want to earn the money instead of it being given
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT v28307.vmi v28307.VMS All classes, more than 2,000,000, and the mystery car unlocked.
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT v24161.vmi v24161.VMS its about having it all.
Speed Devils SPEEDDEV.DAT 00000490.vmi 00000490.VMS Speed Devils Data File with all four classes open, all cars except Mystere purchased, level #2 acceleration, speed, brakes, nitro, armor, and radar jammer, most trophies and banners won, minimum of $500,000 cash per class.