Updated file All characters 63,994,351g,79% of items,100%of monsters,8 legendary itemsat the end of the game download and let me know if you have any questions or comments
Doing well for a starter so far I’ve met Nigel his pal Friday and some other charater I can’t remember his name Rao I think it is anyway you didn’t miss much if you just started the game yourself and good luck and have fun.
Quite a bit of weapons and armor. A good variety of boots and ring including the angel and yogurt ring. Really high levels for five characters. Lots of skills and spells for each character. Enjoy.
All characters. lots of items(59%)lot of money. see all endings bygoing to final cave and close book.hint: use with Joseph Lloyd save to get more money.go to vmu machine in monster house,purchase a lot of tokens. put a minigamein vmu and downlo