| TXRACER02GF0 | v8823.vmi | v8823.VMS | 60 cars maxed out all go over 130 mph to 265 mph and 2 million spending money |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v90645.vmi | v90645.VMS | well im a beginner and i only have one car but its a good one help out alot tbhis is for people hwo want to finsih the game |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v95510.vmi | v95510.VMS | more money and various cars from Brasil_sp |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v33171.vmi | v33171.VMS | all unlock VIPER GTS +800hpcelica +230mph 999999cash |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v38143.vmi | v38143.VMS | 1,200,000+cp.332/372 rivals beaten, all cars unlocked and more… |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v86660.vmi | v86660.VMS | game complete. 1+supercarAbout 15000000cp!11 |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v66701.vmi | v66701.VMS | i have 5days plaing, a maxed out rx7,0 loses and like 98 rivals beaten, also good money to spend |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v24457.vmi | v24457.VMS | WILD»> it has the only true king of the roada DATSUN 280Z. over 7,000,000 cp and saved garage. 270 wins,14 lose. i’m stillworking on it. trying to get all372 rivels. GOOD LUCK |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v90736.vmi | v90736.VMS | BEST FILE EVER DONE ESPECIALLY FROM GUAM47 cars in garage all fully supped up[fixed up]167 wins but most cars are in the cardealer atleast 1.5million in cpi have cars from fast and the furiousa 280z that runs 7.695 secs in0-400 in time attack. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v63126.vmi | v63126.VMS | $4,000,000+ with 40+ car garage! All maxed out, game beaten 5 times, and ALL cars have real names! |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v98014.vmi | v98014.VMS | Great garage and save. Stopped at midpoiont after 4th time through game. Have about 10 or so fully tuned cars (NSX, Impreza 22B, RX-7, Integra, 280ZX Fairlady). |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v47134.vmi | v47134.VMS | 81 wins, 7 losses, and 4 draws. There is 17 Class A cars, 6 Class B cars, and 7 Class C cars. ALL the cars are fully modifided. Its my 2nd time beating it and I have $1,069,323 dollars. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v87414.vmi | v87414.VMS | This file has 130 days played,310 wins, 8 looses, and has over 9,000,000 cp to play with,it also has the abilty to make it where u can racekeeping the old cars and money, but race all therivals over again.it also has a nsx that can goup to 250 |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v58817.vmi | v58817.VMS | Now heres a save that has alot of cars from the movie “The Fast and the Furious” like the Mazda RX-7, honda civic, honda 2000, eclipse, and many others. over 1.7 million cp’s to play with. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v50430.vmi | v50430.VMS | 10 cars class A . Viper GTS,Toyota supra and more.Motor full power. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v75070.vmi | v75070.VMS | All cars open! All my cars are original works of art! No blank plates or TYPE-ABORZM2! Ride in the Skyline, Viper or Supra! A good boost with tracks left to open. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v58348.vmi | v58348.VMS | 280 rivals beat! all track unlocked. 1 car-viper 800+ h.p. Lots of things done but lots for you to have fun with. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v82822.vmi | v82822.VMS | Ultimate save! About 65 (maybe more) almost all tracks and all cars availible. Not to mention over $700,000 |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v80534.vmi | v80534.VMS | 321 rivals beat. most stickers. about550 thousand in the bank. 33 daysit’s my 4th time beating it. 40 carssemi to full racing mod floating GTO’sNOT A HACK!!!!!!!!!! |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v56444.vmi | v56444.VMS | Best cars, lotsa parts, most tracks, 280 rivals beaten, over 450 wins and 200000$! |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v89258.vmi | v89258.VMS | A lot of good cars and all tracks.Take my nsx and drive it. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v79873.vmi | v79873.VMS | 260+ rivals beat plenty of tight rides to choose from including 911, bmw, viper9.6,lexus,u name it. Over 1million in cars and 53,+ all tracks open. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v60231.vmi | v60231.VMS | Over 240 rivals beaten. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v36915.vmi | v36915.VMS | Third time beaten with over 300 rivals, and almost 2 million in the bank. Check out the garage with over 50 fully modified cars. Both porsche’s, both NSX’s all of the SKYLINE’s, even the 280Z. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v84459.vmi | v84459.VMS | Now I have a lot of rivals beatenI dont have all the highways thoughBut I have A LOT of cash and like,8 cellicas,5 corvetts,and a whole lot more. All upgraded to the max right now. If you want a lot of carsa lot of cash and fast cars. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v16257.vmi | v16257.VMS | Save features 150+ unbeaten rivals, 302864cp to spend ;more than enough to fully modify a viper. Current car is rx-7 semi modified, set finalgears to 3.73 to beat some vipers inwagan line, or 4.82 for racing inc1 line. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v40795.vmi | v40795.VMS | It has 6 cars with a viper that i built myself. 6,900.00 dollars of spending money. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v12793.vmi | v12793.VMS | This save has a 911 that will go 250+ and it has all the routs and a million dollars!!! |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v4142.vmi | v4142.VMS | Day 80, 146062 to spend, 100+ more enemy to beat. all tracks opened. RX-7 |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v50601.vmi | v50601.VMS | a great save with all highways and last boss beaten. plus a fully modded viper! |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v12519.vmi | v12519.VMS | I have so many rivals I lost count.Maxed out Viper, Honda, Corvett,Cellica, and a whole lot more.All highways unlocked plus about60 grand to spend. |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v25949.vmi | v25949.VMS | 302 Rivals, Maxed out BMW, viper, Fairlady z1 million plus, Day 28, not a hack |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v23981.vmi | v23981.VMS | All highways open. Maxed out 240 mph Dodge Viper and Honda S2000. |
 | SHUTOKOU2GF0 | v395.vmi | v395.VMS | Hacked Save This save includes all cars unlocked and lots of cash to spend with a few cars also maxed out (Dodge Viper, Mercedes Benz, BMW-E340 and others) |
 | SHUTOKOU2GF0 | shoudu2.VMI | shoudu2.VMS | Jap Perfect Save! All Open! |
 | TXRACER02GF0 | v7256.vmi | v7256.VMS | tem tudo os melhores carros ate um maverick azul |