Unreal Tournament VMU Saves Icon Filename VMI VMS Description UNREALTO.SYS
v92038.vmi v92038.VMS All levels in all modes UNREALTO.SYS
v98569.vmi v98569.VMS great save almost erey thing beat UNREALTO.SYS
v89731.vmi v89731.VMS WASSSAAA!!! Here it is! this save haves everything, including the sega’s locked levels unlocked!! withou the of cheats!! ENJOY!!! UNREALTO.SYS
v97099.vmi v97099.VMS El juego esta 100%100 todos los mapas,etc… UNREALTO.SYS
v12648.vmi v12648.VMS the ultimate,save game or,deathmatch and.CTF mode includes,50%for domination UNREALTO.SYS
v34614.vmi v34614.VMS game is beaten at all difficulty levels without cheating. UNREALTO.SYS
v85219.vmi v85219.VMS As armas secretas dos editores, armas especiais, macetes e manhasdiversos como, life infinito parajogar on-line, 6 novas armas, e todosas fases abertas no inuman.BOM PROVEITO!!!!!!!!!!!! UNREALTO.SYS
v15635.vmi v15635.VMS all levels opened UNREALTO.SYS
v29420.vmi v29420.VMS HA! Inhuman kicked in no time.Everything unlocked and sttings are very cool for controller users.Who wants to battle =rus=? Try, if you dare… UNREALTO.SYS
v52485.vmi v52485.VMS Beat game in skilled mode with Person used to beat game is GrayWolf. UNREALTO.SYS
v20885.vmi v20885.VMS All levels unlockedCareful in the you might fight…..me. UNREALTO.SYS
v33323.vmi v33323.VMS beat everything GREAT SAVE UNREALTO.SYS
v72085.vmi v72085.VMS o melhor:all levels inclued seganet level UNREALTO.SYS
v50694.vmi v50694.VMS Deathmatch, Domination, CTF and Challenge clear on inhuman mode(no cheats). All maps open 1 and 2 players. UNREALTO.SYS
v22963.vmi v22963.VMS This is an 90% of the game completed. Deathmatch,CTF,Domination. UNREALTO.SYS
v2697.vmi v2697.VMS This file has the entire game beaten on easy, and on inhuman without the use of a cheat device. UNREALTO.SYS
v16344.vmi v16344.VMS Deathmatch, Capture the flag, Domination, and Challenge beaten in tournament mode on easy.A save that you can actually tell your friends you did by yourself, and still have them believeyou. UNREALTO.SYS
v80073.vmi v80073.VMS The whole game completed on skilled. Got all trophies. thankx!!! Static-X UNREALTO.SYS
v54677.vmi v54677.VMS The ultimate Unreal game save. Entire game beat on “Inhuman” Skill level.No cheat device used. UNREALTO.SYS
v72105.vmi v72105.VMS All levels unlocked! UNREALTO.SYS
v90202.vmi v90202.VMS Up to level 3. UNREALTO.SYS
v98203.vmi v98203.VMS Deathmatch, Domination and a part of CTF completed on single player. UNREALTO.SYS
v31199.vmi v31199.VMS All levels completed in easy mode. UNREALTO.SYS
v43804.vmi v43804.VMS Tiene ganados deathmach, capture the flag y domination en inhuman mode y novoice modechecalo.