Wacky Races

VMU Saves

| Icon | Filename | VMI | VMS | Description | |——|———-|—–|—–|————-| | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.SYS | v41658.vmi | v41658.VMS | All the levels, characters, and special abilities. | | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.SYS | v76433.vmi | v76433.VMS | All done: all stars, all characters, all weapons and all modes and championships completed. | | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.001 | v12723.vmi | v12723.VMS | All cars,characters and powers[ 24 stars ]. | | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.001 | v7471.vmi | v7471.VMS | All stars, all spanners, all cars, & all tracks.All weapons except for the Red Max’s paintball.Four codes. | | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.001 | v97860.vmi | v97860.VMS | The whole kit-n-caboodle, 40 stars, 15 time spanners. All boards and all cars plus 3 cheats. | | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.001 | v30076.vmi | v30076.VMS | 40 Tokens, 14 Spaners, all vehicles,and tracks. | | Wacky Races | WACKYRUS.001 | v38827.vmi | v38827.VMS | In this one i have 36 stars and ive won all the muttley challenges. | | ![Wacky Races](/dreamcast-saves/icons/WACKYRUS.001.GIF) | WACKYRUS.001 | [v42033.vmi](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v42033.vmi) | [v42033.VMS](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v42033.VMS) | I have 21 stars And 3 cheat codes and i have all the cars and i won all the battles. | | ![Wacky Races](/dreamcast-saves/icons/WACKYRUS.001.GIF) | WACKYRUS.001 | [v3928.vmi](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v3928.vmi) | [v3928.VMS](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v3928.VMS) | 32 stars 3 cheats in this one. | | ![Wacky Races](/dreamcast-saves/icons/WACKYRUS.001.GIF) | WACKYRUS.001 | [v6826.vmi](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v6826.vmi) | [v6826.VMS](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v6826.VMS) | OK, this is the more complete savefile. I've got around 25 stars,all stages at muttley challenge, allcharachters have all weapons (Minusthe Slag Bros., because they blow).I've also opened up the Battle Caveunderneath the hill. Phew. | | ![Wacky Races](/dreamcast-saves/icons/WACKYRUS.001.GIF) | WACKYRUS.001 | [v82498.vmi](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v82498.vmi) | [v82498.VMS](/dreamcast-saves/wackyraces/v82498.VMS) | All stages at muttley challenge,minus stage on the hill. You canrace Pat Pending and Red Max. 16 Stars. | | ![Wacky Races](/dreamcast-saves/icons/WACKYRUS.SYS.GIF) | WACKYRUS.SYS` | v72821.vmi | v72821.VMS | 16 stars. |