Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition
PSP Saves - ULJS00079
Icon | Filename | Description |
 | 00000739.zip | Save 02-Origin, just before the fight with Origin in order to get the Eternal Sword. |
 | 00000740.zip | Save 01-In the past, ready to go to the present to face Dhaos. All characters are around Lv 30s |
 | 00000742.zip | Save 14-Litith, Cless ready to fight Lilith with his ultimate sword. |
 | 00000743.zip | Save 05-Dhaos Castle, Final Save Point. Some characters are almost in Lv. 60. Moria Gallery completed. |
 | 00000745.zip | Save 04-Dhaos Castle, the beginning of Dhaos Castle in the Future. |
 | 00000746.zip | Save 03-Ary, Eternal Sword forged. This is outside of Ary, just before the final scene before Dhaos. |
 | 00000747.zip | Save 00-In the future, right after Volt’s Cave and just got the winpack to fly freely. |
 | 00000748.zip | Savegame right before the pegasus fight, Cless Lv.35, 208971 Gald |
 | 00000750.zip | Beginning of the game, after the first few scenes, just went out to save/have done nothing. Max money only save on save 2 |
 | 00000751.zip | Final Save point, most sidequest done. Level 60 to 70 Characters |
 | 00000753.zip | Save 16-Pluto fight, characters are ready to fight Pluto in Moria Gallery. |
 | 00000757.zip | Save 06-New File with 55,000+ Grade Points, enough to buy out the whole shop. Most of Cless skills master, over 1.9 Gald can be ratain. |
 | 00000758.zip | Save 18-All Characters Max HP and TP, All Summons, All Spells and Skills, Cless Ultimate Weapon + Hi Ougi Equipped. |
 | 00000760.zip | Clear file with 90000+ Grad |