| 00000560.zip | Level 19 Knight, On Mission Destroy the Threat. |
 | 00000561.zip | lvl 21 knight on destroy the threat misson |
 | 00000562.zip | Level 10 Knight named Ryan. Currently in Wallowpit Level 1. Current quest is “Instigate the Uprising” |
 | 00000565.zip | Level 28 Knight Crit. 1200, Save right before final boss. |
 | 00000566.zip | Level 28 Knight, Crit. 1200., Save after epilogue Main missions complete. Few side missions left. |
 | 00000567.zip | Level 22 alchemist named EVE + game save background |
 | 00000568.zip | A lvl 10 alchemist good weapons and armor |
 | 00000569.zip | Level 29 Knight. Beginning of story with good wepons, armor, and 62k gold |
 | 00000570.zip | Berzerker, Level 15 Named Maygn |
 | 00000571.zip | Level 28 Knight Crit. 1200 Save Right after final boss Visit Avatar for Epilogue |
 | 00000572.zip | Level 20 druid, only 10 points spent to INT, lots of components |
 | 00000574.zip | Level 27 Druid named Musashi. Current quest is “Gather the Components”. |
 | 00000576.zip | Shamaya (Berserker) Lv17 this is an awesome fighter and she hits for 210-350 everytime and she crits for 1045!!! |
 | 00000577.zip | Lv.34 at the begining of the game good weapons and armor |
 | 00000578.zip | Stryknine lvl 29 druid. Saved right after finishing the main storyline. |
 | 00000579.zip | Michael, Knight, Level 40, good armor awesome weapons, earliest save point, 5th save file |
 | 00000580.zip | Level 29 beserker I used while writing my faq. Saved after fighting the final boss. |
 | 00000581.zip | Level 44 Knight “D” 150k, great armor and weps. Finished All quests, needs restart. |
 | 00000582.zip | Lvl. 30 Alchemist with top-of-the-line weapons and armor. About $42,000 and many many components. |
 | 00000585.zip | Level 55 Knight Named: Khaos with 9999 Gold All Skills: Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Stamina are all over 1000 All special attacks/spells are 20… All from level grinding |
 | 00000586.zip | Blue Archangel, lvl 20, has some good weapons |
 | 00000587.zip | Lvl 26 dual-wield Berserker. Saved a few yard from last boss. Check the save file on the PSP for a little bonus. |
 | 00000588.zip | Lvl 32 druid |
 | 00000589.zip | Level 30 Berserker AT THE FINAL BOSS! |
 | 00000590.zip | Level 55 Alchemist Named: Katelyn With 9999 Gold Strength= 1000 Intelligence= 2000 Dexterity=2000 Stamina=1000 All special attacks/spells Level 20 *No cheats used, levels gained from massive level gri |
 | 00000593.zip | Ariel lvl 48 Free Build Alchemist, 7th Slot, 1st save point |
 | 00000594.zip | Level 30 Druid, 87 Attribute, 60 Ability points. Build how you want. Save slot 1. |
 | 00000595.zip | 10th lv 50 knight best armor awsome stats/weapons not free build |
 | 00000598.zip | 1st Lv48 Knight FREE points build ever published! Has 127 attribute points and skill points available!! Create your own desired build with this save. Has many best items in the game, over half million G and beginning of the story. |
 | 00000599.zip | Level 49 partialy free build berserker with 99 ability upgrades. best armor/weapons in game, save slot 6 |
 | 00000573.zip | Lv 36 Knight, Dual Wielding, Save Just Before Final Quest |
 | 00000592.zip | Lvl 40 Alchmst, 228317g, mx wght 392.0, all special armor. Very begining of Game. |
 | 00000563.zip | Characters name is Brady. Level 10 just outside the gates of Aven. |
 | 00000583.zip | Level 35 Knight, move forward to fight final boss. lots of potions, max xp skill, mele skill and duel wield skill |
 | 00000583.zip | Level 35 Knight, move forward to fight final boss. lots of potions, max xp skill, mele skill and duel wield skill |
 | 00000584.zip | Alchemist level 38, 150,000 plus money , Sweet gear , Vanquish the Threat Mission |
 | 00000591.zip | Level 50 Knight - 1/2 way thru beating the game for a third time |
 | 00000597.zip | Level 50 Alchemist |