Brave Story: New Traveler

PSP Saves - ULUS10279

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Brave Story: New Traveler Not too far, just wanted to upload a save. Around chapter 7 with Main character(Hero w fire gem), yuno, meladee, ropple, sogreth. At the part where ropple permanently joins. All members around lvl 26. Quest to Paulta.
Brave Story: New Traveler Clear Data. Tatsuya, Yuno, Leynart all lvl99. Accessory Book, Monster Album, and Book of Quests completed. All weapons and armor collected. 460k tems. 50hrs.
Brave Story: New Traveler Brave Story: New Traveler (epilogue)
Brave Story: New Traveler US-Tatsuya lvl 60 before the tower for destiny.Bircage10-some quests left-100k+tems-Heal trinket for all characters-36hour